Once again continued from last years last post, which was continued from the previous years last post. HAVE A GREAT NEW YEAR!!!
- I think I can count the number of shows the Stone Roses have actually performed since their "reunion" on one hand.
- Meg and Jack when will you come back.....not that Jack isn't busy.
- We can only hope he retires - but it is just a stunt.
- I made both Starplex and Nokia this year.
- Flogging Molly and Dropkick Murphys are once again making their annual Marchish era trek through again - a little less than 30 days apart.
- That final date for George Strait tour is commanding a high price right now - it will be interesting to see what happens as it gets closer.
- With that being said a lot of major tours skipped the DFW area this year. I think we have a supply demand issue in this area. With the supply being more than the demand.
- And once again just a few, but not all, we have lost in the last year - some very recently. But their music lives on.....

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